Want to see if you qualify for the fast track to sync?

PITCH your music for TV/ads/film with the 4-step fast track to sync!

The 4-Step Fast Track  walks you step-by-step through you how to prepare & organize everything you need to pitch your recordings for major league sync license opportunities in TV, ads, and film!

Our grads have been landing rep deals, composer gigs, and TV/Film placements in at little as 3-6 months after completing the program. We know with great music & experienced guidance, you can too!

This course is the perfect follow-up track for RELEASE MUSIC LIKE A PRO graduates OR for any independent artists who have at least 2-5 songs professionally recorded at broadcast quality (and you own 100% of the rights or have permission from other rights holders to pitch the song(s) for licensing opportunities). If you are unsure if you qualify, Book a Free Consult to inquire.

check out these success stories from grads all over the world!

It all started when I took the leap to join Sherilyn’s program! She introduced me to other industry pros and opened my eyes to what could be possible to pursue with my music. Less than a year later, I’ve already landed FOUR sync placements and have 9 sync agencies pitching my music for placements. I know the sky’s the limit. Thank you, Sherilyn, for all you’ve done to jump start the journey for me!” - @TYavery__
The last few years have brought me some great mentors in the music world and Sherilyn is one of them. She helped me refocus on a goal I’ve had for a long time and that has led to a really exciting thing that just happened - I got my first song signed to a sync agency! This business can be overwhelming, and having a good coach like Sherilyn at every stage is so important!” - @lauramariemusic
Highly recommend 'Fast Track To Sync with @sherilynmusic if you are interested in learning how to license your music for film and & television! Not only is this class extremely informative and a step by step guide to navigating sync, but Sherilyn is a wonderful person with a fantastic professional network and loves to bring in guests from all areas of the music industry. Great network to be engaged with! ” - @taravanmusic

what does my enrollment include?

explore more ways to level up your music career this year....