one year mastermind

Your ALL ACCESS PASS to all the online courses below (a $6000 value!)
1 year Weekly Group Coaching Calls
12 Monthly 1:1 Calls with Sherilyn
1 new single recorded, mixed, and mastered for you!

online courses

4-Week Video Course teaching you how to use logic to record vocals, instruments, and program drums/beats to create quality demos that you can share with producers or other collaborators.  Click above to learn more.

12-Step self-paced course with live coaching to help you learn how professionally record, release, pitch, and promote your next single for major opportunities such as tv, ads, film, radio, song contests, playlists, & more to build your fanbase & create streams of revenue!  Click above to learn more.

8-Week Online Course teaching you how to take your demos to the next level, learning how to incorporate EQ, compressors, and effects like reverb, etc to mix your tracks like a professional!
Click above to learn more.

4-Step self-pace course with live coaching to help you take your existing broadcast quality, radio radio tunes and learn how to put together a portfolio with Disco and begin pitching to sync agencies! Click above to learn more.